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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

14 January 2023

Moonshine Express

It’s Saturday morning deep in The Forest of Dean, and the inaugural ‘Moonshine Express’ has arrived at platform 0.5 which unofficially serves the Miners Arms. 

Passengers will be able to watch the distilling process from the comfort of the brakevan veranda as they imbibe. All beverages are free, but you’ll be asked to pay a small donation to travel. And once on the go, drinkers will gain comfort from the fact that the confusing network of lines are almost impossible to follow by road, making it tricky for ‘The Law’ to track them down. 

Historians of the railways of The Forest of Dean will already know that many of the lines don’t appear on any map, with some routes only operating for a few weeks before being moved as if by magic to support the various nefarious businesses and mineral deposits. 

First to appear is Hubert the conversational Latin speaking horse and his twin bother Herbert who is fluent in conversational Mayan. Accompanying them is Colin who is more well known for his love of cider, but to be fair will drink anything. He’ll no doubt be thrilled to know that apples are the major fruit used for the initial fermentation.

Whilst today the moonshine still is heated by overpriced propane from the red cylinder, plans are afoot to harness steam from the coal fired engine to perform the task seeing much The Forest is literally sitting on top of a pile of coal. By the way, that’s one of Hubert’s suggestions - he’s such a clever horse. 

And finally, please remember, what happens in the forest stays in The Forest. Hush hush. 


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