About Me

- Chris Nevard Model Railways & Photography
- Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician
31 October 2022
30 October 2022
The Present Day
I was just going through some early construction photos of Polbrook Gurney from before I expanded the layout and added the colliery to the rear and canal basin to the fore.
However, this shot could easily pass for the present day, with 66618 ‘Railways Illustrated’ rumbling though on a cement train. The former Pedant & Armchair is now a private dwelling, the last pint being pulled many moons ago. The canal basin is now silted up and nature has taken over. And of course the colliery is long gone and a small forest has taken over the site.
Surprisingly the corrugated shelter still survives, I’m guessing that would have been one of the first things to go. So in this case I’ll just imagine that some sentimental enthusiasts unofficially look after it, though it does look overdue for another splash of paint.
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29 October 2022
The Tale of Two Lions
This morning, the inch high people have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the new much hyped type 4 express diesel electric locomotive D0260 ’Lion’ recently built by Birmingham Railway Carriage Company’s works in Smethwick. But it looks like there’s been a mix up at The Ministry of Misery with the paperwork, for instead they’ve received a non-working stuffed tiger (or lion in this case) of a shiny museum piece also called ‘Lion’ from the local museum.
The loco crew aren’t too impressed, for they had to push the whole train by tractor for the last 2 miles, and now the weather is changing and it’s starting to rain. The crew were hoping for a nice warm dry cab to spend the morning in putting the new shiny diesel loco though it’s paces around the dockland lines.
The man in charge, Barry Bullhead from The Ministry of Misery (that’s him with the bowler hat), unusually and most out of character, has bought a crate of 9% cider to try to alleviate the situation. He’s realised that the chances of him being left on his own with the non-working engine in the rain are quite high, whilst everyone else heads for the pub leaving him to return the engine single handed to the museum before they notice it’s missing.
Help support the nonsense www.buymeacoffee.com/Nevardmedi3
28 October 2022
Team Building
Doug, ready with shovel, hates Fridays, for he’ll need to move a huge amount of coal about. He has Dizzy Lizzy as his new helper today, but between you and me, she has a record for not sticking at any job longer than it takes for a lettuce to wilt.
And finally, if you zoom in to the right, you can just make out the white clad creamery staff playing chess with milk churns. It’s all part of this new fangled ‘team building’ initiative to avoid staff having to perform any actual work, thus not having a case for any kind of pay rise. To those not in the know, ‘team building’ is a thing created by bloated middle management trying to justify their often pointless positions.
Help support the nonsense www.buymeacoffee.com/Nevardmedi3
26 October 2022
Wild Sky Wednesday
24 October 2022
Dizzy Lizzie
Dizzy Lizzie, recently shamed former Prime Minister from the Ministry of Misery, assisted by her loyal playful hound Kamikaze Ken who can bark backwards, starts her new job of crossing keeper. Although it’s her first shift, she already has plans to get the train crew to open and close the gates, thus rendering her role, erm, well, err, pointless. She will of course run in to trouble with the unions, but she’s used to not being at all popular.
Between you and me, I think it’s unlikely that she’ll last long, with the next crossing keeper almost certainly reversing any new work practices, not that they’ll be agreed to in the first place of course.
Help fuel the nonsense www.buymeacoffee.com/Nevardmedi3
23 October 2022
Peregrine Pinch
Sunday morning at the colliery. Deep in the Forest and Peregrine Pinch, holidaying lifeguard from Chertsey Meads, eyes up the pannier tank engine bought in at the last moment to replace the more regular Peckett due to a dodgy tube.
Peregrine always wanted to drive a steam locomotive, but failed the initial tests despite being educated at Eton College, but to be honest the skills taught at such places are more suited to dirty rotten scoundrels who want a career in politics. I digress, for our bright spark here likes to dress up as an engine driver when not rescuing drunken sunday walkers who’ve fallen in to the Thames. Hence the attire which has somehow or other has allowed him to trespass without being questioned. Yet.
‘6 wheels rather than 4’ he thinks, ‘that must be most confusing for the loco crew when they’re so used to just 4. Getting all those wheels running at the same speed must be quite tricky, a bit like spinning dinner plates on a stick. I wonder how the engine balances on those rails, they being so narrow? The loco crew must be so clever, maybe they have to train as tight rope walkers before before bring considered for the job?’
It will be interesting to witness Peregrine’s confused reaction if ever he sees a Beyer Garratt 2-6-0+0-6-2 locomotive.
Help to keep the nonsense flowing www.buymeacoffee.com/Nevardmedi3
22 October 2022
Pond Water
Meanwhile Gary & Barry watch Little Jim pass by with the mid morning goods to Frome. I’m not sure what they’re planning, but we can be sure it won’t be legal and almost certainly only be in their interests. That will no doubt be a tale for another day from the land of the inch high.
Help to keep the nonsense flowing www.buymeacoffee.com/Nevardmedi3
21 October 2022
Just Imagine…
September 1994, and a somewhat more mature Terry Tuttle-Thomas-Smythe and Ivan Locksmith are heading for Highbridge. They no longer drive due to them both losing their licenses due to constant excessive speeding. ‘Oh my gawd’ Oliver, having finally passed his driving test at the age of 56 after 27 fails thought he’d never see the day that Terry and Ivan take the train.
Put your rose tinted glasses on, and just imagine if the Somerset & Dorset line across the Somerset Levels never closed? With Glastonbury Festival being open 51 weeks of the year as a permanent music festival, a sort of ‘Butlins’ for musos, hippies, eco types, vegetable fanatics and Guardian readers. It of course now has its own railway station, that opening in the late 1970s due to demand and the fact that Glastonbury town is nowhere near the festival site.
Help to keep the nonsense flowing www.buymeacoffee.com/Nevardmedi3
20 October 2022
Here is our loveable little chap spotted at a quarry as he makes his way back home to ‘mother’ on foot, he having been banned from using all public transport for 3 months.
You’ll notice that no one is about, but of course they are, they’re just hiding and viewing from afar hoping that he’ll soon move on - this photo being taken with a long lens from the relative safely of a badger sett.
But little do they know, for Nigel can literally hang about for hours and hours waiting to bore the socks off an unsuspecting victim so he can lecture them about the different types of inlet manifold gasket used on a 1963 vintage London Transport Routemaster bus. Waiting is of course a vital skill most train and bus spotters are well practised at, as they await that exclusive ‘cop’.
And in that note, many of you my dear readers who are keen ‘spotters’, whether it be trains, buses, planes, Eddie Stowbart lorries, vintage real ale pump clips, mercury vapour street lights or bearded ladies, what’s the longest you have waited for that all exclusive and highly desired ‘cop’?
Help to keep the nonsense flowing www.buymeacoffee.com/Nevardmedi3
19 October 2022
Bridge Infill
The Pedant & Armchair pub is hanging in there, but with the closure of the colliery, the only customers are the occasional railway enthusiast, though they are few and far after the end of steam. Also groups of rambling ramblers meet up from time to time to ramble on about farmers blocking public rights of way. But the landlord and his wife want to retire, and despite trying to find a buyer, there has been zero interest, so it’s likely to go the way of the colliery eventually, for the building is in a bad state and needs a lot of investment.
Winding the clock forward to the present day, with the railway now long gone, the remains of the platform can just about be made out in the undergrowth, but with most the more prime pieces of limestone that make it up pinched. The bridge above our photographer also survives, but Highways England controversially want to infill it in with concrete at great expense to the tax payer. This of course will block a rural thoroughfare for wildlife, and of course those rambling ramblers. There is nothing really wrong with the bridge, apart from a little repointing being required. However the local rambling group and more eminent locals are on the case which has been dragging on for well, over a year. Fingers crossed.
Where the pub was, now stands 3 retirement bungalows, the former landlord and landlady having lived in one of them until the early 80s. But sadly they are no longer with us. The site of the former colliery is now a bland housing estate of mid 1970s near identical low grade badly maintained homes built from beige reconstituted stone.
So for any keen railway archaeologists reading this, there isn’t a huge amount to see, but if you do go, be sure to send in a few photos for me to share.
Help me keep the nonsense flowing www.buymeacoffee.com/Nevardmedi3
18 October 2022
Amazon Purchase
Help me keep the nonsense flowing www.buymeacoffee.com/Nevardmedi3
16 October 2022
New ‘Wheels’
Former diagonal geezer-bloke, boxer, thug, flash-Harry and Audi driver Gaylord Grip brings his latest rail mounted ‘wheels’ along the narrow gauge railway to The Star pub on the wharf. Twin half brothers ‘Oh My Gawd’ Oliver and Comical Ned (with the funny shaped head) pop out of the public bar to gawp at Gaylord’s old heap of a find. The old ‘rail bus’ for want of a better description, has been cobbled up from the remains of a wartime Nissen hut, an old garden shed and a charabanc chassis with replacement railway wheels.
PC McFuzz who just so happens to be passing at the end of his shift isn’t too amused. For it’s quite likely that the train isn’t ‘rail-worthy’ and certainly can’t be parked in front of the pub for any length of time blocking the thoroughfare. In the meantime with all the distraction going on, pub landlord Shamus and Waving Wayne unload a few wooden casks of illicit moonshine spiked entire stout.
In the middle distance, Barry Bullhead from the Ministry of Misery, and driver & local councillor Colin casually keep an eye on what’s going on. And of course for a healthy share of any dodgy profits will ensure that the local chamber of commerce and the law won’t get in the way of things. Nothing to see here, business as usual, carry on.
Help me keep the nonsense flowing www.buymeacoffee.com/Nevardmedi3
15 October 2022
190 Proof
Help me keep the nonsense flowing www.buymeacoffee.com/Nevardmedi3
14 October 2022
Front end Friday again - they come around quickly!
New build 60163 powers out of a bank of digital fog (basically to hide that face that the photo plank is only 3ft long) with a trainload of squealing railway buffs. Moments later the plastic loco and its 2 carriages will plunge on to floor as it flies off the end of the board. Obviously that didn’t happen because the loco was borrowed, but there’s nothing like a good story to get in the way of the facts.
13 October 2022
Templecombe shed’s 44417 simmers between duties at Combwich. The loo to the left is in a particularly poor state today after last night’s pickled onion tasting competition at the nearby Royal Oak pub. Next to the signal box, Barry and Norman toss a coin to see who’ll go first for a well needed number two after their night out on pickled onions and Mrs Miggins’ home brewed 9% abv entire oyster stout. Parp.
Thank you to those who support me www.buymeacoffee.com/Nevardmedi3
10 October 2022
06 October 2022
Dumb Buffers
Thursday morning at the colliery spied through a telephoto lens from down the side of The Miners Arms. Deliberation Dave and Henry hi-vis plan their morning ahead trying to work out what should go there and here, and here and there before the mid morning empties arrive from Lydney.
Today they’re using a small ‘Planet’ chain-driven diesel mechanical loco instead of the more usual steamer. The little loco is fondly referred to as the ‘Flying Green Welly’ due to its colour being similar to that of a green rubber Wellington boot much favoured by those who work the land and the ‘okay yah’ set from Knightsbridge with a third home in the shires.
Buffer fanatics (yes, they are a thing) will notice the extra set of unsprung wooden buffers sat between the more regularly placed buffers. These are called ‘dumb buffers’, not because some idiot fixed them in the wrong place, oh no. They’re used when the loco is connected to some ancient internal user wagons with similar unsprung buffering attire.
Help support this dumb old buffer with these posts www.buymeacoffee.com/Nevardmedi3
04 October 2022
On the Road Again
I’m on the road this Saturday 8 October 2022 with Fountain Colliery at the Cradley Heath expo. Come and say hello, but beware that I do bite. I’ll have an aerosol of Dettox to spray any smelly types. Other than that, it will be nice to meet you.
More info here http://www.cradleyheathmrc.co.uk/exhibition.html
03 October 2022
Rusty the Ruston Bucyrus
01 October 2022
Speed Awareness Course
Today is different though, for Terry and Ivan are being directed in to the railway yard for a driver speeding awareness course. But unlike in today’s risk averse world, they’re going to be taught how to drive at even greater speeds around the narrow country lanes.
On the platform we can see Beryl, remember her? Well back in the day she was a racing driver, with her speeding skills being much admired - especially in the era when women were expected to know their limits cooking, cleaning and scrubbing the pavement outside their 2 up 2 down. But why has she arrived by train you ask? Well, yesterday she blew up the engine on her race prepared supercharged Austin 7 whilst racing against other petrol headed super-grannies on the beach at nearby Burnham on Sea.
As we can see, Beryl despite being well in to her 80s, has no plans to slow down, even though she’s become quite partial to support stocking beige as her ‘go to’ colour. Ignoring the beige thing much favoured by bungalow dwellers and Toyota Prius owners, her reason for being here today is to oversee this new speed awareness initiative. On the 6 hour course, she’ll be giving one to one tips on how to go around bends faster, how to tune up those SU carburettors and tweak timing for optimum speed performance. What a girl!
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