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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

06 September 2022

Lizzie’s New Job

Somewhere in the middle of nowhere in the centre of nothing (not Central Bedfordshire should anyone ask, that would be tragic), young Lizzie waits for her train in to town to start her new job working for The Ministry of Misery. She’s suitably dressed in uniform for her new role as Assistant Chief Traffic Warden Dress Code Training Officer reporting to the Chief Traffic Warden Dress Code Training Officer. 

She’s very much looking forward to starting in her new position, having been a fan of dressing up for vicars & tarts, and doctors & nurses fancy dress events for many a year. But dressing as a traffic warden is a whole new thing, and she’s curious to know where it could lead. I’m no authority on such things, but some of you, my loyal readers might have some thoughts? 

As we can see, it’s a lovely September day, the slowly changing landscape from summer to autumn looking quite splendid in the warm morning sunshine. It’s been a dry summer, so a truly colourful autumn is expected this year. 

Climbing the 1 in 40 bank, this train is usually hauled by an ex GWR pannier tank, or Ivatt 2 mixed traffic tank loco, but today it’s hauled by one of Stanier’s powerful class 4 tank locomotives - which I hope you agree makes a fine sight and one that won’t involve a late arrival (as long as the driver remembers to stop). For we don’t want Lizzie to be late on her first day. 

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