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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

Saturday 16 September 2023

“You’re an Absolute Shower!”

Saturday morning mayhem down at the docks. On the left Waving Willy, twin half-brother of Waving Wayne is passing in his narrowboat. Derek and Barry Bullhead from The Ministry of Misery are trying to work out why there are so many LMS 5 plank wagons (and a 3 plank) everywhere, but Derek loves taking wagon numbers, so he’s in his element. 

Local smooth talking business and ladies’ man Terry Tuttle-Thomas-Smythe is flogging jars of his ‘craft liquor’, whilst average gentleman photographer Ivan Locksmith is eyeing up photo possibilities whilst puffing something from his greenhouse in his pipe. Meanwhile Freddy Flag is trying to keep some level of safety and control, good luck there. 

Rufus hound, Oh My Gawd Oliver and Hubert the conversational Latin speaking horse are simply taking everything in, for there’s a lot going on. Meanwhile Deliberation Dave up there on the loco is wondering how the hell he got trapped in the siding surrounded by so many wagons. I’ve a feeling Hubert might have to sort things out. Such a clever horse. 

And finally 95 year old Beryl is checking out all the men, for she loves ‘a man who can’, though I fear she might struggle to find one here. ”You’re an absolute shower” as Terry would say. 

And finally, Bob Geeza Cat is posing on the right to balance any vague element composition that might be found in this chaotic photo. 


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