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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

09 March 2023

Titfield Thunderbolt Thursday

It’s Titfield Thunderbolt Thursday and there appears to be a problem with a flatbed lorry that’s ‘broken down’ on the crossing.

Standing in front of the engine, Terry Tuttle-Thomas-Smythe is always on the lookout for a business opportunity, and just like in that well known scene in our favourite Ealing Comedy thinks ‘ah, a stand-off, how very wonderful, please place your bets with me now”.

Waving Wayne cues the stand-off to begin, though there is a little confusion because Wayne has been waving for years, he even waves in his sleep by all accounts. Meanwhile Bob Geeza Cat sits on the dinghy in the canal watching the proceedings and quickly comes to the conclusion that he’s probably in the best place especially if things get explosive. 

And finally, Deidre shouts over to George and says that she’ll dump him if he sides with the road haulage company. 


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