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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

20 March 2023

Andrew & Barclay

It’s Monochrome Monday again, and because the colour meter isn’t topped up until Tuesday morning, and because of colour overuse during the week prior, it usually runs out on Sunday night resulting in Monday’s monochrome post. 

High Vis Henry (his orange vest being a shade of grey today, so you’ll just have to believe me) watches Andrew and Barclay having a good natter before running the loco around a short rake of empty wagons that have just arrived. 

Monday is always a bit of a slow start, but the mine doesn’t produce a huge amount of coal these days, so the workload is light. And anyway, Andrew and  Barclay are getting on a bit, so this suits them. But sadly it’s rumoured that the mine might close in only a year or two, for the coal is getting difficult to mine due to the increasingly fragmented nature coal seam which is at best only 4 feet from top to bottom. This is of course not helped by ever reducing demand. 


Colour is expensive, please help me top up the colour meter www.buymeacoffee.com/Nevardmedi3