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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

02 November 2022

Weird & Wacky Wednesday

Weird & Wacky Wednesday. The dull day in the middle of the week, where the weekend still feels just that bit too far away. 

In today’s load of mid-week weird nonsense, we observe Hubert the conversational Latin speaking horse, giving ‘Shed’ No 618 some tips on how to make its familiar electro-mechanical ’ying ying ying’ sound appear more cultured. Some of you, my loyal readers, I know are fluent in conversational Latin, so might be able to help here, for as much as I try, I cannot find ‘Ying ying ying’ in any Latin phrase books, so do feel free to comment and boom like a sadistic public school Latin teacher or a bumbling Boris Johnson. 

‘Shed’, by the way, is the nickname given to Class 66 engines by mostly socially challenged lonely men and boys who hang around on the end of station platforms and railway bridges. They like to give engines names based on familiar objects, mostly to stop the general public having a clue of what they’re on about. Though to be honest, ‘Class 66’ by most will be thought as being the year they left school - if they left school in 1966 of course - certainly not an engine built in London, Ontario. 

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