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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

04 November 2022

Dynamometer Car

Every year in early November, all employees including the shunting horses - even the conversational Latin speaking ones like Hubert here, are given a full health check. In charge of operations, Barry Bullhead from the Ministry of Misery, has hired in an ancient dynamometer coach from British Railways to gauge employee pulling strength. 

Hubert is the first off the mark, and after a couple of grunts in Latin, has no problem pulling the ancient heavy pile of wood, leather, brass and steel along the tracks at a whopping 4.65 miles per hour over a distance of 100 yards. 

To the right, ‘Oh my gawd’ Oliver looks on in horror, for whilst he’s well known for pulling people’s legs and playing tricks, he’s pretty sure he won’t be able to pull the carriage even a 16th of an inch. 

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