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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

31 August 2022

Telescopic Loco

 Wibble Wednesday. 

Guildford shed’s No.33019, an Oliver Bulleid designed Q1 class loco rumbles past the camera with what appears to be a Redhill to Reading service. Though the head code might suggest otherwise. 

As we all know, these ‘austerity’ locos were designed during WW2. To take up less space in storage or a ship’s hold, the various section of the boiler collapse in upon themselves until almost flat, apart from the tender to a fraction of its normal length. There were plans to build a collapsing tender, but that never manifested due to wartime budget restrictions.

To open it up after disuse, steam pressure build up slowly extends the loco back to its operational length.
