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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

28 April 2023

Why I Very Rarely Exhibit

 Front End Friday aka #FEF 

In the land of the inch high, at Brew Street the irregular passenger service is quite frequently horse drawn, or uses leftover props from Titfield themed and other whimsical set ups. But today, they have the pleasure of a GWR steam railmotor. 

As we can see, there is much excitement with several members of inch high naughtiness appearing, including Comical Ned with the funny shaped head. We’ve not seen him for a while, the real reason because I temporarily lost him of one of the several layouts featured here. 

Many think these cameos are dioramas, but they are all fully working layouts. Though I must admit that I don’t power them up very often, unless I’ve a show booked. But with only one show under my belt in the last 3 years due to exhibition apathy and The Zombie Apocalypse of Doom, that’s not a lot of running. I’ll be honest, while I like to visit the occasional show, running trains bores me after more than a couple of hours. But I’m more than happy to chat, so I should probably have ‘staff’ to do the actual playing trains bit. 

With model railways being the day job, my weekends tend be about music, busking or playing in a great pub or festival to a happy audience - it’s important to have time out, even though toy trains are great. Especially during the summer such holds far more appeal than being stuck in a sweaty smelly 28 Celsius exhibition hall trapped by some dull shouty bloke 9 inches away with bad halitosis, toting a rucksack with fishfinger sandwiches that have gone off and their mother’s severed head. But I guess I’m a bad person. That said, in the local music scene I do meet a lot of railway modellers, and when out on layout shoots, usually half of them play some kind of music instrument. What is the connection? Thoughts…..

And the blatant commercial plug, you can find out more the Railmotor featured in today’s photo https://www.kernowmodelrailcentre.com/c/1101/Steam-Locomotives