Where are the moonshiners who frequently dominate the canalside? The supply boat is just arriving, but the resident moonshiners and their mobile still appear have vanished with the boat simply carrying its more usual cargo of custard powder in wooden casks, left handed lock paddle winders, dried water and chocolate teapots. And of course all the usual colourful narrowboat themed tat for day trippers, grockles and gongoozlers
Even Charlie Cheese is selling pure unadulterated full cream milk, no heavily disguised ‘shine or hollowed out truckles of finest Somerset cheddar filled with spirit laced rough farmhouse cider. Bob Geeza Cat is sceptical as he looks into Charlie’s eyes, but he is secretly thrilled knowing that he’s the cat who got the cream today. Or so he hopes.
To me, everything here looks rather suspicious, what are your thoughts?
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