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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

05 April 2023


At the colliery, getting motivated to start the early shift always takes some time in the land of the inch high. As usual there are the recently arrived empty wagons to swap with the full ones loaded up on the night shift. And anyone who enjoys playing with their toy train shunting plank (that’s not a euphemism btw) will know that there can be many possibilities to achieve a suitable result, ideally with the minimum amount of effort. 

As usual there is much discussion as to how the proceed, with this aspect usually taking twice (‘two times’ for the TikTok generation) as long as the actual shunting process. And with all the unnecessary pontification, somebody forget to light the fire in the engine, this will no doubt lead to further delays and a lengthy expensive enquiry. Oops. 


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