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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

14 September 2011

Nothing really to write about....

I haven't posted for a day of two due to a dose of seasonal lurgy and the need to catch up with other stuff we all need to from time to time, so basically I have nothing really to write about! I did however grab this snappypoos of 58086 an old Midland 1P 0-4-4 on loan to the Marriott, Dent & Foster Brewery pottering about the wharf yard on Brewhouse Quay


Most of the below will be familiar to regular readers of this BLOG, so it's likely you'll be bored out of your scull if you read on. However, in case you're not, here goes....

'BQ' my latest 4ft x 2ft micro takes advantage of the latest crop of ready to plop buildings which form 50% of the structures. I'm very much eating my words, because a year ago I said that I'd never use such! To try to pretend that I'm still a railway modeller all the track and the remaining 50% of the buildings are built from scratch. The loco is my first and to date last full brass loco kit (Craftsman), it dating from 1982. I never could get to run properly, so pro-loco-expert-builder-extraordinaire Phil Hall rebuilt the chassis for me and now after almost 30 years of limping around is now truly stunning runner.

The photo; the sky is not added, it is the actual high curved backscene painted on to 'Bendy MDF' with Halfords white primer and some pale blue fuddy-duddy car colour no doubt popular with people who live in bungalows - the two pigments were misted together gradually getting darker to the top. The photo  was shot under the layout's own built in fluorescent lighting with the camera resting directly on top the layout. The puff of smoke is the ONLY addition ('Clouds' filter in Photoshop - thanks to Graham Muz who showed me how) not actually there, and only because I like it.