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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

29 September 2011


110928_cornish_int_IMG_1342_02_WEB by nevardmedia
110928_cornish_int_IMG_1342_02_WEB, a photo by nevardmedia on Flickr.

Cornish Interlude (working title) update. 

Railways enthusiasts generally love books, and I am no exception, needing little excuse to buy another for the collection. They are never idle purchases, they get looked at over and over again to inspire my model making. I think this is why I have far too many ideas, the purchase of a new book inevitably resulting in the back of an envelope sketch for some kind of mini or not so mini layout or simply to help capture that all important atmosphere.

You'll note in the bigger version of the above snap a strong Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway bias with many of the books, which as many will know is my favourite line, I'm unsure why, having no real connection with the area other than frequent short breaks in Georgian Bath which was the northern terminus of the line. I imagine it must be the wonderful photography and colour film by Ivo Peters that did it - I'm not alone here.

I also like gritty moody black and white photography of real working steam, that will be the reason for the 2 Colin Gifford books, firstly the hugely iconic 'Decline of Steam' and his later book Steam Finale North. Many years ago I asked a second hand book seller to keep an eye out for a copy of Decline of Steam, and much to my surprise, 11 years later he got in touch with a copy - now, that's service! No it's not for sale by the way....

In case you think the latest Cornish project has stalled, quite the contrary, it is underneath all the books which are holding the foam core trackbed firmly in place on top of the plywood base whilst the glue sets in preparation for tracklaying.