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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

28 May 2010

Ready to Railex!

At last the little trainset is ready for Railex you'll be pleased to know. Shortly the house will return to normal as tools are put away (well for a few days anyway) and the floors made free of all the usual detritus that follows model railways around. Smudgie on the right will also be pleased to get 'her' room back too.

Improvements this year for those who might have seen the layout before are improved brighter lighting, rejuvenated scenery, a traverser fiddle yard to replace the scary cassettes (scary because I could see a whole train becoming airborne all too easily) and a couple of extra items of rolling stock.

Oh yes, and before I pack it all into the car, I managed to do one more carriage, this time in RED, Ford Rosso Red to be precise which I gather is a dead ringer for BR carmine. Job done!