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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

13 May 2010

Future Swedish Stunner?

Following on from yesterday’s BLOG post ‘The Austrian with the English Accent’, also with the loco came 3 'Zillertalbahn' carriages in various gaudy liveries. Whilst they may or may not be authentic I have no idea, either way they currently have no place on Arne Wharf. So I have 2 options, either to sell them or to have a bit of fun and modify them into something a little more interesting even though they’ll still be rather alien in style for running on a Dorset mineral railway.

I’ve always rather liked the look of Swedish varnished wooden passenger stock, and looking at the design of these Bachmann Zillertalbahn carriages suggests that with a bit of work such a wooden finish would suit them rather well. I love that rose tinted parallel universe!

Watch this space...........