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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

05 June 2022

One In Twenty

Sunday morning, and work carries on around the colliery. Captured through the photographer’s telephoto lens, standing in for the more usual steam loco, a small diesel moves wagons between the canal wharf siding and the colliery on the right. It’s a 1 in 20 incline up in to the colliery, but the wagons are empty and the train is short. Luckily today the rails are dry, but when wet quite often another engine will be needed to assist, but not today. The building on the left is the side of The Pedant & Armchair, a watering hole familiar with a few here I’m sure. 

A big thank you to those kind souls who support me keeping these posts going, they take time and patience to set up and photograph - cheers 🍻 www.buymeacoffee.com/Nevardmedi3