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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

20 October 2022


We’ve not seen everyone’s favourite sweaty bus-spotter extraordinaire Nasal Nigel for a while. This is due to him spending time at a des res high up on Dartmoor for a few weeks after one of his regular misdemeanours involving a Triang Hornby English Electric Type 3, whilst dressed only in a flasher-mac hanging about at Taunton Bus Station. 

Here is our loveable little chap spotted at a quarry as he makes his way back home to ‘mother’ on foot, he having been banned from using all public transport for 3 months. 

You’ll notice that no one is about, but of course they are, they’re just hiding and viewing from afar hoping that he’ll soon move on - this photo being taken with a long lens from the relative safely of a badger sett. 

But little do they know, for Nigel can literally hang about for hours and hours  waiting to bore the socks off an unsuspecting victim so he can lecture them  about the different types of inlet manifold gasket used on a 1963 vintage London Transport Routemaster bus. Waiting is of course a vital skill most train and bus spotters are well practised at, as they await that exclusive ‘cop’. 

And in that note, many of you my dear readers who are keen ‘spotters’, whether it be trains, buses, planes, Eddie Stowbart lorries, vintage real ale pump clips, mercury vapour street lights or bearded ladies, what’s the longest you have waited for that all exclusive and highly desired ‘cop’? 

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