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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

11 March 2025

The 11th of March 2005

34027 ‘Taw Valley’ masquerading as 34045 Ottery St. Mary hauls a circular ‘Venice-Simplon Orient Express’ dining special day trip from London away from Virginia Water. 11 March 2005. Nikon D70, Nikkor 28-70 f2.8 AFS

20 years ago to the day I was standing on a railway bridge near Virginia Water just southwest of London with a big camera looking like Jimmy No Mates. 

Dog walkers and other passers by were crossing on the far side of the bridge doing their best to avoid eye contact. Nothing has changed much in that respect, but I very rarely photograph the full sized railway these days, for so many locations suffer excessive tree growth making photography impossible and at best tricky. 

Being digital capture, the photos certainly don’t look like they were taken 20 years ago. I’m surprised they’ve lasted this long, for digits have a habit of going missing. But constantly baby-sitting them with replacement drives along with multiple cloud storage ensures longevity, but there will be a time when this ceases to happen.

66237 nears Virginia Water with the 6M44 Eastleigh to Wembley which was a mix of clay slurry tanks and departmental vehicles. 11 March 2005. Nikon D70, Nikkor 28-70 f2.8 AFS

450079 nears Virginia Water with the 1334 Weybridge to Waterloo service. These units were very new at the time and are still going strong to this day. 11 March 2005 Nikon D70, Nikkor 28-70 f2.8 AFS