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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

01 March 2025

Designated Driver

Back in olden times, most pubs near a railway line would have their own siding. This was so that beer could be dropped off and empty casks returned. Engine crews between turns would frequently use such sidings when a refreshment was required, or they needed a ‘number two’ loo break. 

Here we have such an occurrence with an engine parked conveniently right next to the public bar of ‘The Kettle Inn’, with the crew discussing (usually decided by spinning a coin) who would be the designated driver. In olden times, the ‘designated driver’ would generally stick to beer and cider under 6%. But back in the day, booze strength wasn’t declared in any great detail, it not being a legal requirement like in modern times. 

I’ve had a couple of comments from more serious types as to the validity of some of my tales, well I can confirm that I heard this particular one from a retired driver during a particularly heavy session down the Wheeltappers & Shunters Club in Harlow New Town a few years ago.


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