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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

06 March 2025

59 Years Ago

59 years ago to the day on Sunday the 6th March 1966, the former Somerset & Dorset Railway network, apart from a couple of sections which lasted a few years longer for goods traffic closed for good. 

For several months prior to closure, many enthusiasts’ rail tours traversed the line, and here we are at Catcott on a blustery Saturday the 25th of September 1965 with the SLS aka ‘Slow Locomotive Society’ 'Slow & Dirty' rail tour during a photo stop. 

Many of our regulars travelled on the train, mostly due to the restaurant car which had been turned in to a moonshine, beer and cider pub for the trip and have reluctantly alighted to watch a staged ‘photography run past’. The ‘restaurant car’ is out of shot further down the train should any nasal types say “I can’t see the restaurant car” in their adenoidal tones.

However on the third run past, the almost empty train kept on going and the crew didn’t realise until they got Glastonbury, having been alerted by the restaurant car crew that booze sales had dropped by 90% that they’d left all the passengers at Catcott. 


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