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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Sweet Running Hornby Pug

A tiny ex Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Pug is captured shunting wagons through the loading screen at Cement Quay.

This little loco I picked up on Ebay just over a year ago, it has since had a repaint, a renumber to one of Radstock's shunters, a little extra detail and a dose weathering.

After completing the above and being an 0-4-0 I wasn't expecting the best performance, with some sticking, wobble and jerkiness due to just 4 wheels. But, after a good run in and widening the wheels to the non-OO spec back to back of 14.7mm it runs a dream through all sorts of track from Peco to handbuilt C & L. I'm sure the widening is the key because the reduced side to to side play has improved electrical pick up. I notice too that this little loco is again part of Hornby's 2011 range. All we need now is one of the keen cottage etchers to produce a replacment cab, the plastic one looking rather too thick, just cabside overlays would do - any takers?


  1. Thats a great looking little loco Chris, I especially like the subtle weathering. Out of curiosity do you back-to-back all your locos to 14.7mm???


  2. Normally everything is 14.5, this one was a suck it and see style of engineering which works for me.

  3. Chris, I am working on one of these pugs at the moment, did you have any issues with clearances on the motion when you widened the wheels, and if so how did you overcome them? I am having waddling/pickup issues with my Hornby Pug Chassis as you described, and i'd looked at the wheels, but widening didn't look possible without the motion binding.


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