Tuesday afternoon was an ideal one to sit in the garden and head towards a completion of the Hornby 8F that's been on the workbench for a couple of weeks.
In the end I decided to abandon the Brassmasters detail kit, delivery for me was going to take far too long from ordering, and on top of the fact that they claim only to check email once a week and don't take online payments.
I firmly believe that colouring is by far the most important aspect for creating realism, and the great thing about that is that you just need nothing clever, just a bit of spare time, paint and maybe some weathering powders.
I firmly believe that colouring is by far the most important aspect for creating realism, and the great thing about that is that you just need nothing clever, just a bit of spare time, paint and maybe some weathering powders.
To get the result here, the new scratchbuilt brass steps were blasted with a bit of Halfords matt black, and then HMRS Pressfix tranfers were applied to the engine represent 48660 which was shedded at Bath Green Park in the early 1960's.
Next; a quick blast of Railmatch matt varnish to protect the tranfers and to make a key for the weathering. This is very very simple; in one of the cat bowls I mixed up some Cuprinol satin black, water, a splat of washing up liquid and a dash of Carrs' rust coloured weathering powder. Now the scary bit, the fowl mix was sploshed all over the engine and then dabbed off with kitchen tissue. A large dry decorator's brush was then used to work the remaining paint into the groves and recesses, this being done until the mixture dries which takes about 2 minutes on a hot summer's day.
Carrs rusty and pale grey coloured powders were further rubbed on with a stiff brush and then again sealed with another dusting of Railmatch Aerosol Matt Varnish. Bingo.
There's is still scope for further weathering like lime streaks and so on, but now I have a good smeared Christmas Pudding type of base after seeing and touching real working steam in Poland back in the aerly 1990's first hand. Often people aim for a 'Barry Scrapyard' effect which is wrong for a working but dirty engine which should be oily and sticky rather than dusty and arrid.
Carrs rusty and pale grey coloured powders were further rubbed on with a stiff brush and then again sealed with another dusting of Railmatch Aerosol Matt Varnish. Bingo.
There's is still scope for further weathering like lime streaks and so on, but now I have a good smeared Christmas Pudding type of base after seeing and touching real working steam in Poland back in the aerly 1990's first hand. Often people aim for a 'Barry Scrapyard' effect which is wrong for a working but dirty engine which should be oily and sticky rather than dusty and arrid.
Next to add:
- More localised weathering
- New pony truck wheels
- Firebox number plate