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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

08 September 2009

Whirlwind Progress on Cement Quay Extra...

It's amazing what limiting ones time here on RM Web can do. Friday things were bare, but despite a busy weekend in the real world I managed to find a few hours to have a bash with a Grasmaster (the grass here scales out about bum height, in the high summer it can get alot higher than this) and get started with the scenic work. Lots to do yet, weeds, bushes, a proper disguise for the exit (pipes, bushes etc. ), water and maybe another loading screen to add a point of focus. I think it even works with steam motive power too in the form of good old 43017....
There are no computer graphics here - all 'as is' just photographed under single bulb in the ceiling (10 sec exposure on a Canon G9). The backsdrop is painted very simply with pale blue, greys and greens all mixed with the same pale blue used for the sky so to match in with Cement Quay proper. I think the lack of a sharp corner in the backscene is a bonus here.