Tuesday 3 April 2012

Ode to Gifford!

Tuesday morning's photo I dedicate to Colin Gifford who changed the way railways were photographed in the 1960's. Until then photographers had recorded trains mostly as a strict 3/4 view, Mr Gifford changed that forever with the publication of Decline of Steam and Each a Glimpse. The latter book is rumoured to be re-released shortly with some new photography, and it will be interesting to see whether he influences modern railway photographers who in recent years have fequently been happy to settle for that 3/4 view again.

The photo above was taken on Cement Quay, the Ruston Bacyrus in the background standing on a temporary pile of sand for this shot.


  1. http://tiny.cc/cmh8bw

    'Each a Glimpse' pre-order at Amazon although no date offered yet

  2. Thanks Alistair - I've also heard through a reliable source that the new book is a defo with completly rescanned photos and some new material. Can't wait personally, I've a copy of Decline of Steamd and some of his others but not this book. Yet!

  3. Oooh! Luverly stuff but a fair few 3/4 shots. Feel a new painting coming on.

  4. Received my copy of Each a Glimpse for Christmas - wonderful stuff - thanks for bringing this to light - I'd never heard of him before.


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