WTF is a ‘line manager’ btw? I’m guessing it’s one of those promotions aimed at the incompetent who couldn’t legally be sacked? But never having been an office type I’ve no idea. Though I’m sure someone here might be able advise? I presume it’s nothing to do with painting lines on roads or the sports field?
We’ve all come across these yearly revellers in the local pub, they like to form an orderly queue to the bar, even though it’s 25 feet wide. Any other time of year it’s a full bar width rummage, with most of the skill being how quickly you can attract the attention of the bar staff.
They then want to taste all the different beers before ordering a labour intensive coffee with some silly name, then at the last moment they order a Guinness. They then quickly move on to shots followed by shouting and an increasing lack of spacial awareness. Actually no spacial awareness.
I’ve never understood why pubs don’t sell coffee on tap like one of those coin operated machines of olden times. Think of the time that could be saved. Though in my opinion if you want coffee, go to a cafe, for most high streets have more ‘coffee shops’ than shoppers these days.
Okay, mild rant over as I head rapidly towards ‘being of a certain age’. Though I fear these outcries will probably become more frequent from now on.
So here we are, with many of the inch high about to embark on their annual jolly, but unlike badly fitting cheap suited office land, this lot are well rehearsed at partying, for they do it in one form or another most days of the week.
‘Coz it’s the season of goodwill, go on, chuck us a sov… cheers π»