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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

14 December 2024

Hiding in Plain Sight

In the land of the inch high the weather is generally better than that of the 12 inches to the foot. Well certainly here in the UK anyway as I look out the window at another cold damp day in full sized Little England. 

The morning haze clears to reveal the arrival of a Stanier 2-8-0 freight locomotive simmering in the sidings at Fountain Colliery. Being allocated to Bath Green Park, it’s travelled a fair way to arrive here in The Forest of Dean, but here in Little England that’s only a few feet assisted by the human crane as it dips into the stock box. 

Barry Bullhead from The Ministry of Madness, previously known as The Ministry of Misery before the last election, has popped out of the winding engine house to survey the scene. But today he’s on unofficial business checking out a new moonshine still which has recently been set up within. The busy noisy dirty environment being an ideal spot for a moonshine still to hide in plain sight - well for a few days anyway, just long enough to do a brew or two. And of course the pit head engineers are more than happy enough to turn a blind eye to activities in exchange for a gallon of two of boozy tincture. 

And finally, Pete and Dud have climbed down off the engine to take in the crisp cool air of the morning and to look at their engine, which is a nice change from the more usual ex GWR Pannier tank used to take loaded coal trucks down to Lydney and beyond.


‘Coz it’s the season of goodwill, if you enjoyed this post… www.buymeacoffee.com/Nevardmedi3 cheers 🍻