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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

31 March 2022

Wooden Leg

The rails to Fountain Colliery squeeze themselves between The Miners Arms and Betty Beaver’s cottage. Any passing trains are instructed to make themselves known with plenty of horn or whistling, for it’s not unusual for tipsy drinkers to be on the crossing. It would appear that the crew of the engine trundling towards our intrepid photographer have done a good job of clearing the crossing of drunks, hopefully our photographer and former pirate will be able to move out of the way quickly. He’s not a quick mover with his wooden leg, he having lost many a wooden leg to passing trains and nautical misdemeanours. His wooden foot often gets jammed between the rail and the solid granite ballast as he quickly moves out of the way. His current batch of wooden legs and feet are made from balsa wood, the key advantage being light weight and easy to break in times of hazard. Though I feel our photographer should take his own personal safety more seriously, but you cannot change the ways of a retired pirate. 

Click to zoom in as always…

Replacement wooden leg fund www.buymeacoffee.com/Nevardmedi3