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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

13 March 2022

Motor Rail

The Miners Arms leads the way for the motorist who likes to party. Drunken merrymakers can get themselves and their cars taken home by rail after an extended lunchtime or evening session down the pub (or better still an all night lock-in). Smooth talking scoundrel Terry Tuttle-Thomas-Smythe and Liz & Margo are the very first customers, as their cars are hoisted on to flat wagons for the journey home. Of course the set up requires that the motley train ends its journey near the drinkers homes, so I’ve a feeling the set up might be flawed. However Liz & Margo aren’t short of a bob or two, so they’ll have staff to worry about that minor aspect when their chauffeur collects them for the final stage back to their palace. Smooth talking Terry on the other hand, he’ll simply charm a lift off someone as he always does, “oh hellooooooo ladies”. 

As always, click to enlarge. 

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