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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Polbrook Gurney Colliery Update: engine winding house

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A few extra hours were grabbed today unexpectedly which means that I've managed to pull the replacement of the engine winding house forward to before Railex which is just 3 weeks away.

This one has shades of Ludlows Colliery in the centre of the Radstock.

As usual time is the limitation and will always dictate how much time I can dedicate to a project, but I can always go back at a later stage as needed. Apart from the chimney which is a previous bit of slap dash messing about, this is about 4 hours work with foamcore, various plastic sheets and a little Das. I've since started on the roof since grabbing this snap on the mobile; which despite limited time is going to be individual slates applied from small overlapping squares of junkmail. Tthe shiny finish of such being ideal for taking paint; today the junk mail donour was some irrelevant PAYE material which we keep being sent.

Follow at detailed construction of Polbrook Gurney Colliery in Model Rail magazine.


  1. The brickwork looks superb! The colour is very realistic. It's nice to know you're putting the junk mail to good use, it's one thing you're sure to have an endless supply of! Kind regards, Brian.

  2. Cheers! it's still to be painted still though. :-)

  3. It's looking great. You're a definite martyr to the individual tiles. I'm making my latest model with strips of tiles, and THAT's driving me insane.. Mind you, there is considerably more roof to cover. Looking forward to seeing progress


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