About Me
- Chris Nevard Model Railways & Photography
- Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician
14 July 2012
Google Earth View of Brewhouse Quay
Continuing the looking down from the clouds, falling from an aeroplane or going up in a hot air ballon theme, here we have Brewhouse Quay in all it's 4ft x 2ft glory. This angle hopefully shows off the trackplan which I was quite pleased with, as well as a first for me building the funny 'K' shaped trackwork the engine is just about to attack. It was the result of messing about on the back of an envelope down the local pub and at the time thought unique, but recently a 2mm scale (aka 2FS) modeller was in touch to say that he built a wharf many years ago with a similar track layout called Chapel Wharf - take a look, it's lovely. This all goes to show that somethings with limited space there are only a certain number of ways tracks can be bent and split to fill a small area I guess!