nevard_110510_J94_DSC_2172_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.
After seeing Paul aka 'Halfwit's' post on RM web about further improving the Hornby J94 Austerity by filing away the large lump of supporting plastic which sits behind the pipework extending down from the footplate below the cab, the little loco was pulled back into the workshops for a quick fettle to follow suit.
This view here of the loco midway through its detail and repaint a week of two ago shows the block of plastic reasonably well - OK, I should have taken a closer photo, but it's too late now. The above shows off the opened up pipework, and yes those flanges need a good polish!
At first I thought this little job might be tricky as well as weakening the area, but this was not the case. Sitting outside in last week's wonderful weather did help to ensure than I could see what I was doing properly which the aid of a 1mm hand-drill and fresh Swann Morton blade. Total time? About as long as it took for my cup of tea to get tepid, no fear, I wanted a beer anyway!
Whilst it's possible to do the same with the lower pipe which bends around under the steps, I decided to cut off the plastic pipe and replace it with some wire - an office paper clip in this instance! To finish off, the remodelled pipework was given a splash of 'gunmetal' coloured enamel after the paperclip was chemically blackened. I'm a fairly recent convert to 'gunmetal', having found it's great for representing oily metal, and it has the bonus of dry-brushing to a lovely sheen - thank you Darren Rees of Torrington for that tip!
- For more views of this loco go here.