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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

31 March 2011

Brewhouse Quay gets a Grainstore

nevard_110331_brewhQ_store_IMG_9494_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.

Brewhouse Quay Project: Whilst everything else has been going on, I've been working on a grainstore or something like that. This one is totally built from scratch unlike the other buildings. Anyway, whatever it is, it's now had a slap of paint. The stonework will be a little lighter and more honey coloured in due course. I tend to leave the final colouring to later when the groundwork is complete and also coloured. 

Some guttering and downpipes will be added in due course - thought I'd better get that bit in before the adenoidal armchair brigade point that out.