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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

16 February 2010

Nuffield's Best

Here we have a 'Classix' EM76667 Austin A35 Van - Royal Mail (75223). This attractive little model has been enhanced with a coat of matt varnish to kill the toy like shine.

It's debateable if any A35's ever carried this livery, but despite that, it makes a colourful model that contrasts nicely with what was frequently a dull austere era when cars where either painted black, grey, pale blue, cream or black.

These inexpensive models I fear have knocked the white metal kit market off the shelf, for despite minor failings they're a fraction of the price of a kit, better detailed and ready to plonk.

Please be kind, this model is far bigger on your screen than it is in real life - it's only around an inch and a bit long!