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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

04 December 2009

Black Five!

Bath's Black 5 No. 45440 was normally limited to the 'Mainline', but on this rare occasion in the late summer of 1956 it was caught dropping off a bogie bolster wagon at Catcott Burtle.

I've had problem with this renumbered Hornby Black 5 never running that well. A few months ago I took the chassis apart to sort out the pickups. The result being that it stopped running completely - the pick-ups being held in place a very odd way. Anyway, to cut a long story short and with my new reading glasses to actually see what I'm doing, I had another go which was successful. 3 hours running in on a circle or track later (dodging the cat who kept trying to knock the loco off) and we have a very sweet runner indeed! Result! There's scope for further weathering in due course - jobs like that are best never rushed.