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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Preparing Brewhouse Quay for Railex 2012

nevard_120517_BQ_DSC_3618 by nevardmedia
nevard_120517_BQ_DSC_3618, a photo by nevardmedia on Flickr.
Next weekend it's the excellent RAILEX (that's the flyer on the right by the way), an exhibition frequently being regarded as one of the best all weekend enthusiast targeted shows in the south. For some reason they wanted to invite my OO gauge Brewhouse Quay I'm guessing the reasoning being the to 'how NOT to do it' angle, so the last few days (OK about one hour) has been spent cleaning track, checking mechanics and polishing loco wheels.
Followers of this blog will probably have mostly only seen pretty low angle photos that make the layout look like it is Gauge 1 occupying an area of 40ft x 20ft, this photo will hopefully spoil the illusion in advance for any moany-hard-done-by Daily Mail reading show-goers who until now were expecting something the size of an aircraft hanger. It isn't.

But they might be interested in that recently I added a small cassette yard to the right hand side, this allowing trains to exit off set to the right, and when combined with the small fiddle yard behind the left hand side (via a sector plate) allowing short trains to run right through the layout from one side to the other if shunting gets a little boring. The working wagon turntable combined with chain shunting adds another dimension which proves popular with the younger audience - maybe I just need to add Thomas for complete approval?


  1. The layout is looking great. I look forward to seeing it at Railex.

    How did you make the cassettes?

  2. You're welcome to borrow Thomas if you want to shock the establishment again. I'm not sure what his flanges would think of the check-railed track though.

  3. Looks great Chris. Wish I could see it in the flesh, but thats a bit hard when you live half way around the world! Well done and enjoy showing it off to the world!


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