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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

Friday 10 September 2010

Rull Britannia

MJ Bladet, Summer 2010 www.mj-bladet.no/
MJ Bladet the Norwegian equivalent of the UK's Model Rail mag dropped onto the doormat.

Rather than the Norwegian content you'd expect, this issue is mainly dedicated to foreign climes, in this case us Brits. Inside there are many iconic layouts that will be familiar to regular readers of the UK press and exhibition circuit.

I'm delighted of course that my Catcott Burtle is on the cover of this issue, complete with a feature on the little trainset too - all in Norwegian of course!

I queried 'RULL BRITANNIA' thinking that heaven forbid maybe it was a spelling mistake,  it is however Norwegian humour and a play on words, 'RULL' being Norwegian for 'ROLL'.....


  1. It was very nice to see your little layout featured in the norwegian magazine. My own layout is about to be featured later this year. So I have to get crackin' :)

  2. I interpret the"RULL BRITANNIA" as a play on Rule Britannia


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