About Me

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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Shillingstone Preservation Update

On Wednesday 19 August I popped into Shillingstone to catch up with what’s been going on. Not having been there since 2001, I was amazed at the amount of progress. The quality of the work is all to a very high standard indeed! The official project website can be followed here http://www.shillingstone.addr.com/

More pictures from my trip can be seen here http://nevardmedia.fotopic.net/c1745423.html

Sunday 16 August 2009

Cement Quay extension progress, 12 August 2009

Cement Quay extension progress, 12 August 2009. This is a mockup with some CGI to gauge how it might look in due course (deadline 7 Nov 09 - WycRail Expo)

An overdue update showing antics over the last week as promised.....

The stone sheet on the wharf is according to my local Addlestone Models a new ready painted product from Peco. I bought it because that's all they had in stock (it will see use on Radstock Coal and Steam too I'm sure). In the event however the stone and wood will be washed over and dry brushed with various shades of grey, beige and green using my usual matt emulsions. Colouring and techniques will be the same as Cement Quay proper to ensure continuity.

I have on order some Walther's conveyors as on Cement Quay here.

Tuesday 4 August 2009

Further extension progress

3 August 2009; some midway baseboard progress for Cement Quay's 3ft 6 x 2ft extension. Note the hybrid construction of timber, hardboard and foam board (the bases for this is in fact a set of disused folding legs!). Why? That's because I had these items to hand - waste not, want not.

The track (Peco large radius curved code 75 points which will have all the nasty bits trimmed off and SMP bullhead for the plain track) is just temporarily placed for effect. Between the 2 vertical uprights (which will support a lighting pelmet) will be a curved 1/16 inch thick by 1 foot high marine plywood backdrop - I'll be adding that next, with apertures for the two exiting tracks linking to the existing layout (with the exit to the right going to a cassette yard behind the backscene).