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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

28 July 2009

Eye Eye!

At Cement Quay's last outing back in January it became obvious that operationally the layout could be a little more interesting if another fiddle yard was added to the right hand side. Sidings and headshunts on the right were originally designed with this in mind. Almost 3 years on and I have started to put this into action. The nice folk at Wycrail (the layout's next out in November) have very kindly granted me the extra space, so, as not to disappoint I though I'd better start.

Rather than simply add another fiddle yard, I might as well run something scenic along the front (quarry and further wharfage), this will make the existing 5'6 now 9ft.

23 July 2009

Bespoke Motive Power for the Quay

Pete Harvey's LaFarge modified Bachmann class 20 as featured in Hornby Magazine December 2007.

'm very happy to now have this locomotive in my ownership - cheers Pete, thanks for offreing it to me! Here she is propelling a short rake of cement PCAs along the wharf at Cement Quay.

18 July 2009

New Life in the Old Dog

ChrisNevards4F_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.

I've had this old tender drive Airfix 4F for quarter of a century, and for most of that time it has been in desparately need of a proper loco-drive chassis.

Being seriously crap when it comes to chassis construction (being far happier with track, buildings and scenics) so thought I'd treat myself to the skills of an expert in this field. As a birthday and christmas pressie to me, local loco building guru Phil Hall built and added a Comet chassie to the old dog. It really is the dog's danglies with full compensation, all wheel pick up etc - runs a dream. Phil has left me to do it up, paint and weather the loco - that's the bit I enjoy.

The odd missing bit under the boiler has be filled in by Phil. The splashers do look a little big here, building a new kit body would probably be easier than replacing them, so it ain't going to happen.

Pic courtesy Philip Hall