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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

11 April 2012

New siding for Cement Quay

A week or so ago I mentioned adding an extra point and siding to Cement Quay - Old Quarry Wharf, and here is a photo as proof to actual progress in the form of a copper clad point. Why copper clad when the other points are Peco with C&L plain track? The reason is mostly due to geometry of trying to squeeze in track to a spot that was never originally going to have a point. The new point will look different, but the joy of such a location is that much of the track will be under a layer of spoil and weeds and once blended in with existing scenics should match well. Industrial oocations often use second hand track too, so any slight differences will be quite acceptable.

Next it needs to be wired, with polarity switching for the frog/crossing vee and feeds to the toe of the point. The operation will be manual as with the other 2 points which use rods under the baseboard operated from the rear.