Sunday 25 August 2024

Off for Scrap

The present day at Brew Street, and an old hopper wagon is being removed for scrap, having been dumped on the wharf for more than a decade. Very little rail activity happens here now, and rumours are afoot that the whole area will soon be redeveloped and turned into posh condominiums and luxury yacht harbour for foreign investors.

On the left ‘Oh My Gawd’ Oliver’s grandson ‘Easily Triggered’ Toby is having a bit of a crises about the wagon being moved after so many years. He struggles with change, including changing his underwear, but we won’t go there. 

Former artisan ice cream makers, turned security guards Ben & Jerry are trying to catch Bob Geeza Cat the 4th, but they don’t stand a chance, for the Bob Geeza line of cats are very smart indeed. 

PC Pretend isn’t a policeman at all, but likes to dress in vintage police attire at weekends and will frequently turn up here and there in an old Citroen 2CV which he calls his unmarked police car. He’s a strange man who lives alone with a Hornby trainset on top of the bath. Rumour has it ‘mother’ is in the bath, she has been for many years. 

And the chap with the yellow jacket, could that be TV’s inch high Portillo? 


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