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Professional Photographer, Model Maker, Writer & Pretend Musician

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

A bit of nip and tuck

On the modelling bench, a Hornby (ex Lima) Class 59, 59005 'Kenneth J Painter'. Hornby have sadly made a hash choosing the prototype to represent, so irritatingly, I'll need to modify the lighting clusters on the front along with other general detailing. http://nevardmedia.fotopic.net/search.php?txt=59005&t=p . Luckely I won't have to disturb the blue paintwork, getting a match for that might be tricky, silver is no problem matching in though. The baffle/plough thingy in the front will need to be fixed to the body rather than bogie too - simple enough. It's either that or going for the Hanson livery, which would be correct for the Hornby body. In the end I fear that cutting up a little plastic will be easier than trying to create Hanson paint job and sort out a Hanson transfers - so 59005 it is!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice blog! I also discovered all the other nice pictures you made on the other website, absolutely top! If you have the chance to look at my blog, you may find this interesting. Unfortunately it is primarily in Dutch, but there are nice pictures as well. I may start to produce an English version in the future.
    Best regards


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