
26 January 2023

Rapido Trains 16 inch Hunslet

A shiny red 16 inch Hunslet locomotive has recently arrived at the colliery, the 0-6-0 wheel arrangement having plenty power to push and pull wagons up and down the steep 1 in 20 grade into the colliery. 

Freddy the flag, sees no reason to wave his warning flag, Freddy’s thought being that if you can’t see or hear such a large lump of hot throbbing steamy shiny red metal coming for you, that you should be left to the powers of natural selection anyway. 

Dudley, notices the lack of a three link hanging from the coupling hook, but he’ll easily be able to address that by borrowing the one off the wagon behind him. Nobody will notice with so many wagons everywhere, many of which are due to be scrapped soon. 

Barry Bullhead, from The Ministry of Misery as usual is overseeing things. He oversees many things in addition to his government job of instigating misery wherever he can, especially if he can make a few bob on the side. 


And finally, thank you to Rapido Trains UK who kindly supplied the locomotive for this post.