As usual it’s the end of Harry the Hammer’s shift. He’s been working at the Hemyock creamery fixing the winch used to haul the milk tanks wagons across the road into the dairy complex. It was a straightforward job, only needing a few taps here and there with his trusty hammer to loosen things up.
Harry’s train has just arrived for the journey home, but notices that there is no cast loco number plate on the smokebox door. It might be that it’s fallen off, if so, it will be a simple job for Harry to address with a couple of spare sleeper spikes and a tap here and there with his hammer. But if the missing plate cannot be found, a swift trip down Station Road will find houses with suitable cast numbers on their doors or gates he can borrow. Bish, bash, bosh, loco number 1401 - job done.
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