The little GWR/LSWR-Cornish-esque 2'10" x 12" micro continues to take shape. Not bad I guess seeing it was only a twinkle Sunday before last - but it is only dinky winky so no great challenge.
Yesterday you saw the GWR 'pagoda' and platform manifest, and the afternoon before saw a little track construction using C+L components. Note the lower level siding and catchpoint, something that's nearly always missed from sidings joining main running lines on models.
Here we see much of the whole caboodle from roughly where the level crossing will be. Note the bridge marking the boundary to the fiddle yard on the left hand side; the rather delightful structure being courtesy of 'GWRrob' on RM web. Currently it's halfway through the paintshop and it sitting in primer ready for the dry-brush top coats. I hope you'll agree that it's got some lovely stone rendering, but it might surprise you (it did me) that it's made from fiberglass, the moulded gel-coat representing the stonework suggesting a 1960's kit maybe? Tell me if you know more.....