
05 February 2011

Brewhouse Quay: Aerial View

nevard_110204_brewhouseQ_IMG_9143_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.

Here's a looking down Google Earth kind of view showing the whole caboodle. The whole layout is importantly contained in 4ft x 2ft3 area, the area to the left and behind the backscene being hidden staging/fiddle areas that are accessed by a sector plate which also completes the run around loop which should produce a good shunting puzzle. The foamboard sub base is just resting very roughly in position to show how it will work one bonded firmly in position.

Disclaimer for armchair modellers: this layout is not finished, the buildings are only positioned approximately, the little row of buildings at the top are just there for effect, I might or might not be using them, and if I do they'll be hacked about accordingly. The backscene will not be left bare wood and will not have one pasted on from Peco, it will be painted or produced photographically as with Catcott. The whole diorama 'box' will have it's own built in lighting rig. This layout will form part of the Model Rail Mag road show from time to time to display new releases, some of which may never have gone near a brewery in real life. And no, I won't be building another one in N gauge. It's my layout - so there.