
04 June 2013

Model Rail: July 2013 (184)

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Model Rail: July 2013 (184) published 13 June '13

Issue marking the Mallard 75 anniversary

News: Growing layout list for Model Rail Live. Computer design images of exclusive 'USA' 0-6-0T model.
Wishlist results

new releases from Graham Farish and Dapol

Meacham 'N'
Malham 'OO'
Halfway 'On16.5
Masterplan: Milton Keynes 'N'

The need for speed: Railway record breakers and how to model them
A passion for 'Pacifics' - Mark Allatt reveals his remarkable collection
Formation Flying: Authentic East Coast route trains (Gilbert Barnatt)
Quick on the draw(bar). Dynamometer cars, real and model
Modelling the Underground: History of Underground and LT models

How to paint people
Use Noch's miracle ballast
Create a better 'bone'
Present your layout
Motorise a plastic diesel shunter kit
Take your first scenic steps
Build a real timber shed.

Plus all the regulars, exhibition diary, Q&A, Show & Tell, Backscene

The cover photo; I shot a detailed up Hornby A4 Class pacific supplied by George Dent. You can enjoy more of George's wonderful creations monthly in the magazine as well as his blog