
23 August 2012

Thursday's Photo

120812_arnewharf_DSC_8123 by nevardmedia
120812_arnewharf_DSC_8123, a photo by nevardmedia on Flickr.
A Roxey Mouldings 'Famagusta' formerly of the Cyprus Government Railway potters about at Arne Wharf.

This loco is a white metal kit designed to fit onto the excellent running Graham Farish GWR 2-6-2 chassis and is a great loco for exhibitions, the good weight and long wheel base ensuring excellent performance all weekend. Interestingly the wheels pick up very little dirt, suggesting good contact with the rail tops at all time, something that is a real bonus, because 009 with the very narrow rail profile isn't always known for the best running qualities. At some stage I'll get around to fitting some boiler handrails!

The little tipper trucks are the well-known Roco wagons which I believe have been produced for around 40 years. They've permanent loads to add a little weight to these tiny little wagons.

It's not known what the wooden barrells on the loco are carrying, it could be anything from beer to gunpowder, or maybe even one of each!