
30 August 2011

Keeping the plebs out

nevard_110829_PHD-mill-gate_IMG_1029_WEB by nevardmedia
nevard_110829_PHD-mill-gate_IMG_1029_WEB, a photo by nevardmedia on Flickr.

A PH Design 'Mill Gate' from etched brass, seen here guarding the right hand exit on Brewhouse Quay.

Pete's designs are wonderfully delicate in design and execution, so quite a bit of care was needed when painting it to avoid distorting the delicate brass etch.

The etching is supplied in 2 halves, and the idea is that one solders the two together for extra strength. The problem I had was that due to the very fine nature of the etching I found it impossible to get 100 contact so decided just to use the one half. The bonus of this is that one gets double the number of gates! If the owner requires the gates to operate, it would be easy enough to add a verticle and horizonal strengtheners from some spare brass strip of wire.

Painting was a doddle; 2 coats of Halfords red primer followed by a pale Hunbrol chrome green was dabbed on randomly by brush making sure that some of the red primer still shows throug to represent rust. I then finished off with a very light dusting Halfords grey primer to add further sun-bleaching and patina.